Entering stock transactions
Fred Bone
Fred.Bone at dial.pipex.com
Mon Oct 6 11:47:53 EDT 2008
On 22 Sep 2008 at 11:02, Charles Day said:
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Fred Bone
> <Fred.Bone at dial.pipex.com>wrote:
> > After a great deal of experimentation, I have narrowed my problem down
> to
> > the Euro transactions. Unfortunately I have quite a few, spread around
> a
> > number of accounts. However, the balance is not zero except in one
> case
> > (where an Expenditure account got zeroed to Equity; deleting that
> > transaction has no effect on the "imbalance").
> >
> > My main currency is GBP, and I have one Euro account under Assets
> > (Assets:Currency:Euro), two under Equity (Equity:Opening
> Balances:Euro
> > and Equity:Year end:2007:Euro), and four under Expenditure. I buy
> Euros
> > (cash) from my bank Current account, and deleting all the cash-
> > expenditure transactions makes no difference.
> >
> > What does make a difference is deleting the four transactions where
> I
> > purchased Euros, and three where I charged Euro transactions to my
> (GBP)
> > credit card.
> > Deleting a single EUR purchase and re-entering the same amount with
> the
> > same exchange rate yields the same "imbalance", so it's not a case of
> bad
> > data in the file.
> >
> > The last such transaction was on 2008-05-20, when I bought EUR305.00
> for
> > GBP250.29. If I delete this transaction, my "imbalance" changes from
> > 4218.29 to 8.10. If instead I create another one (dated today or
> some
> > arbitrary other date, makes no difference), the "imbalance" becomes
> > 288.97.
> >
> > FWIW, the other bank-to-cash transactions are
> > 2007-02-20 EUR290.00 bought for GBP201.07
> > 2007-07-11 EUR290.00 bought for GBP202.68
> > 2007-10-07 EUR280.00 bought for GBP200.70
> > and the credit card transactions are
> > 2007-10-10 EUR258.00 charged at GBP183.78
> > 2008-06-01 EUR85.50 charged at GBP69.55
> > 2008-06-06 EUR55.10 charged at GBP45.29
> >
> > I cannot make any sense of what is going on. Especially the huge
> variance
> > in the effect of duplicating or removing a single transaction.
> >
> I think things will be easier to track down if you run the trial
> balance
> with your price source set to "average cost" (available starting in
> 2.2.6) .
> The default price source of "weighted average" seems to be more volatile
> due
> to the way it is calculated.
> I see you saying that GBP is being sold to buy EUR. Does the EUR cash
> later
> get transferred into accounts that are not also denominated in EUR?
No. And btw, I've been running "average cost" all along.
Some very strange things are happening.
If I delete the earliest EUR purchase, the "imbalance" reduces from
GBP4218.29 to GBP49.78.
If I then re-enter it from the (GBP-denominated) bank account side, the
"imbalance" is again shown as GBP4218.29, as noted previously.
However, if instead I re-enter it from the "Cash - Euro" side, the
"imbalance" reduces further, to GBP5.42.
OTOH, if I create a new file and enter all my Euro transactions, I can't
create an imbalance whether I enter the purchases from the GBP or the
Euro end.
It may be worth noting that the PriceDB holds an entry obviously derived
from the first GBP/EUR transaction, showing an exchange rate of "1 +
8893/20107" (which is the GBP-per-EUR rate; all the others show the EUR-
per-GBP rate, as I would expect). Deleting this makes no difference to
the "imbalance"; I'm not sure whether it ought to (i.e. whether the Trial
Balance makes any use at all of PriceDB entries).
I've tried saving the "before" and "after" versions of the (real) file
uncompressed and running a diff. Here's the entire output (for the one
where I re-entered from the Euro side). I cannot see anything that I
would expect to affect the calculation of exchange rates.
< <trn:id type="guid">88c96a9b8c279b8b121fb9495a6a301e</trn:id>
> <trn:id type="guid">3f0508aa8648742ff5f0e912498670c6</trn:id>
< <cmdty:id>GBP</cmdty:id>
> <cmdty:id>EUR</cmdty:id>
< <ts:date>2007-02-20 10:59:00 +0000</ts:date>
> <ts:date>2007-02-20 00:00:00 +0000</ts:date>
< <ts:date>2007-06-17 15:17:21 +0100</ts:date>
> <ts:date>2008-10-06 11:39:08 +0100</ts:date>
> <ts:ns>62500000</ts:ns>
< <slot:value type="string">OFX ext. info: |Trans type:Point of sale debit or credit
(Note: Depends on signage of amount)|Memo:MONEY LONDON , 6628 18FEB07 1624</slot:value> <
</slot> < <slot> < <slot:key>online_id</slot:key> < <slot:value
type="string">200702200001</slot:value> --- > <slot:value
type="string"></slot:value> 71708c71705 < <split:id
type="guid">a9f7fefe644be6d9f02d2b39ce3f6ae3</split:id> --- > <split:id
type="guid">a9bf3ec205b8872d7456aca572b3940a</split:id> 71710c71707 <
<split:value>20107/100</split:value> --- > <split:value>29000/100</split:value>
71715,71721c71712,71714 < <split:id
type="guid">49d9f689217326bb4f243ec6fa550a39</split:id> < <split:memo>MONEY LONDON ,
6628 18FEB07 1624</split:memo> < <split:reconciled-state>c</split:reconciled-state>
< <split:reconcile-date> < <ts:date>2007-06-17 15:17:34 +0100</ts:date> <
</split:reconcile-date> < <split:value>-20107/100</split:value> --- >
<split:id type="guid">4d881b45bac7a1de923364065f0e5aeb</split:id> >
<split:reconciled-state>n</split:reconciled-state> >
<split:value>-29000/100</split:value> ====
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