Mass invoicing

Marcus Wolschon Marcus at
Wed Oct 8 02:23:43 EDT 2008

2008/10/7 Derek Atkins <warlord at>:
> Unfortunately there is no easy way to do Mass Invoicing, creating
> multiple invoices at once.  Right now you have to manually enter
> each one.

I could easily write a trivial command-line application in Java
do create invoices in a gnucash-file using jGnucashLib.
The question is:
* What kind of data-source for the customer-ids and the items on the
invoices do people need?
* What kind of output and template for the printable invoices are prefered?
 (It's no use to just have the invoice in gnucash, you probably need a
printed one or a digitally
 signed pdf for invoice-emails.)

Automation is actually quite easy if you don't do it in gnucash itself.
That's not what it exists for.


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