Check Register

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sun Sep 14 19:13:00 EDT 2008

Raquel wrote:

>I have a friend for whom I've set up Debian Etch and GnuCash v.2.0.6.
>She wants ONLY to have a "single entry" checkbook register without
>setting up accounts, etc.  I've looked and have not found a way for
>her to accomplish that.  Is there a way she have just a plain old
>check register using GnuCash?
Find out (in more detail) what she REALLY wants. Possibly being 
intimidated by "set up accounts". GnuCash is "autoposting" so you aren't 
making journal entries and then posting these by hand.

In THIS case, she would be making entires only in the checking account. 
Just that in each case she would be indicating;

a) For each deposit --- what sort of source? (Break down into separate 
income accounts IF she wants to -- would give her a sense of "where is 
my money coming from?" Normally would be at least two sources even if 
all deposits just have one source (unless it's not an interest bearing 
checking account).

b) For each "withdrawal" -- what sort of expense (Break down into 
separate expense accounts IF she wants to -- "where does my money go?". 
Notice that there WILL (usually) be items here that are not checks 
written --- orders for new checks, various bank fees, etc.


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