GC 2.2.9 Windows XP - how to configure foreign currency foronlinequotes

AmigaPhil AmigaPhil at ping.be
Sun Aug 2 13:44:17 EDT 2009

Norman Yeh wrote:

> I have GC 2.2.9 running under Windows XP with SP3. How can I make foreign
> currency quotes to work?
> I am NO programmer either, and will need plain English instructions too.

The easiest way, as there are not much lines of code to change, is
probably the use the copy/paste finctions of your text editor.

Look at the patch file.  It shows the DIFFerences between the unpatched
Quote.pm file and the patched one.
The lines that start with a "-" (minus) sign are the lines to remove;
and the lines that start with a "+" (plus) are the lines to add.

Now find your Quote.pm file and open it with a text editor.  Search for
the first lines that are shown with a "-" in the patch, and remove them.
At that place, add the following lines from the patch that start with a "+"
(don't copy/paste the "+ " at the begining of the lines).
Go on for the other lines to remove/replace.

That's it, you have the patched version.

Note: make a backup of the original Quote.pm first, just in case
something goes wrong.


>> [...]
>> On Tuesday 21 July 2009 liberace wrote:
>>> I have the same question/problem as Norman.  I use GC 2.2.9 Ubuntu,
>>> libfinance-quote-perl version 1.13-4,  and cannot get quotes for
>>> foreign currencies. Stock quotes however are no problem.
>> http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=46006

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