Crash when saving reports

Wouter van Marle wouter at
Thu Aug 13 00:14:53 EDT 2009

On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 07:49 -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 05:19:48PM +0800, Wouter van Marle wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > For quite some time already I've a problem with a very irritating bug:
> > when trying to save a report (create report, e.g. income statement, make
> > some changes including the name, then click "Add Report"), GnuCash dies
> > immediately without saving the report. When starting up again I get the
> > message that the database may be in use already, of course I click "open
> > anyway" and it starts up fine but no new saved report.
> can you run gnucash from a terminal and provide the output that is
> generated by the crash? Also, any contents of gnucash.trace (should be
> in tmp).

What I did:
- open my financial data file
- create report "Account Summary"
- change name of report to "test" (I didn't change any other options
- click "add report"

gnucash.trace (when running directly; after running from terminal this
file is empty):
* 12:06:51  CRIT <Gtk> gtk_widget_grab_default: assertion
`GTK_WIDGET_CAN_DEFAULT (widget)' failed

terminal output:
$ gnucash
Found Finance::Quote version 1.13

;;; WARNING (gnc:resolve-unknown-comm: Oops - exchange rate ambiguity error:  EUR 57,910.51  =  USD 79,520.40)

;;; WARNING (gnc:resolve-unknown-comm: Oops - exchange rate ambiguity error:  EUR 57,910.51  =  USD 79,520.40)
In unknown file:
   ?: 0* [gnc:report-save-to-savefile #]
In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
 446: 1* (let* (# # #) (if # #))
 453: 2  (if (record? save-result) (begin (display saved-form #) (force-output) ...))
 454: 3  (begin (display saved-form #) (force-output) (let # #))
 455: 4* [display ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Options for saved report \"test\", based on template \"Account Summary\"
(let ()
 (define (options-gen)
  (let ((options (gnc:report-template-new-options/name \"Account Summary\")))

; Section: Commodities

; Section: General

(let ((option (gnc:lookup-option options
                                 \"Report name\")))
  ((lambda (option) (if option ((gnc:option-setter option) \"test\"))) option))

; Section: Accounts

; Section: Display

  'version 1
  'name \"test\"
  'options-generator options-gen
  'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-custom)
  'renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer/name \"Account Summary\")))

" ...
 456: 5*  (open-file conf-file-name "a")

/usr/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:456:20: In expression (open-file conf-file-name "a"):
/usr/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:456:20: Unbound variable: open-file

> > I am running GnuCash 2.2.9, on Mandriva 2009 (build date 2009-06-03).
> > Upgrading to 2.2.9-3 of the cooker didn't make a difference. I have also
> > tried to downgrade to 2.2.6 but same result. I have some saved reports,
> > it worked in older versions (back to 1.8.x).
> > 
> > This is 100% reproducible, as a result for long long time I have not
> > been able to save reports but now I really have to make some changes to
> > existing reports so it's getting quite urgent for me.
> > 
> > Wouter.
> > 
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