saving a gnucash data file

Michael Leone turgon at
Fri Aug 14 11:20:11 EDT 2009

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Colin Law<clanlaw at> wrote:

>> I disagree the the concept of adding "backup database" features to all the
>> applications. Kind of silly. Would you expect your word processor to be
>> responsible for backing up documents edited by it?
> I think there is an argument for a backup database feature.  There is
> a distinction between word processor documents and a database on a
> server.  A user of a word processor should know where the document is
> saved to as he, at some point, saved it there.

HA! :-) I've had a number of users over the years who have no clue
where there documents are saved. And why? Because they never do "FILE,
OPEN". No, all they do is choose the name from the Most Recently Used
list of documents. Or they say it's on drive "N:" (these are Windows
users) .. and they don't realize  (mount) their "drive N:" is not the
same place where someone else does.

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