transaction already being edited in another register

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Tue Aug 18 12:51:08 EDT 2009

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:46 AM, Eric
Beversluis<ebever at> wrote:
> I received this error message:
> "This transaction is already being edited in another register. Please
> complete it there first."
> I could not figure out what this was referring to, as I didn't have any
> other relevant registers open. In fact, I closed down all the other
> account registers and still got this message. I tried deleting the entry
> and starting over and still got the message. The only way I could clear
> the situation was to close GnuCash without saving (assuming that saving
> would also save whatever was causing the problem). This worked, but of
> course I had to re-enter all the other transactions which I hadn't saved
> yet.
> Does anyone know what was causing this? I've never seen it before.

You didn't say what version you are using, but it is a bug that has
been addressed (and hopefully fixed), I believe, in 2.2.9 (the current
stable release).

I believe the bug is triggered by pressing the Enter key on a blank
transaction. (For example, you just finished entering a transaction,
and you press Enter and are on the next blank transaction, then you
press Enter again.) You can completely avoid it by using the arrow
keys to navigate from transaction to transaction. GnuCash will prompt
you when you need to use the enter key to save a change.

(If you have any follow-up, please reply to the list.)

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