Startup time

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Wed Aug 19 09:53:07 EDT 2009

>I do it because there are some reports I want to see all the time.  For
>example, I keep open an Income Statement, Balance Sheet, because I'm
>always interested in how I'm doing.  They are always based on "Today" so
>I see how they are doing as of when GnuCash starts (or when I reload the
That's the question I am asking. See I would never be expecting to be 
running a meaningful "Income Statement" or "Balance Sheet" in "real 
time". I would be expecting to be running those as of specific dates 
only after I think very unlikely to be any transactions affecting the 
time period (otherwise going to need a lot of "correction" entries). But 
if a lot of us are doing "real time" bookkeeping (don't need to await 
the arrival of information about transactions not yet reported to the 
"bookkeeper" -- me in this case) then maybe we need some changes?

I could see a single person might have use for "real time" (problematic 
even for family finances use if more than one person in the family 
economic unit ''By the way Honey, I put X dollars of gas in the car last 
Wednesday"). But that single person would have to be really on the ball 
of entering everything immediately.


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