Gnucash 2.3.4 released

Doug Laidlaw laidlaws at
Fri Aug 21 12:50:37 EDT 2009

I was getting crashes in 2.3.2 whenever I tried to create a report.  Seems to 
be completely gone in 2.3.4


On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 07:34:42 am Phil Longstaff wrote:
> Announcement: GnuCash 2.3.4 Release
> 2009-08-19
> GnuCash 2.3.4 released
> The GnuCash development team proudly announces GnuCash 2.3.4, the
> fifth of several unstable 2.3.x releases of the GnuCash Free Accounting
> Software which will eventually lead to the stable version 2.4.0. With
> this new release series, GnuCash can use an SQL database using SQLite3,
> MySQL or PostgreSQL. It runs on GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Microsoft
> Windows and Mac OSX. This release is intended for developers and
> testers who want to help tracking down all those bugs that are still in
> there.
> WARNING WARNING WARNING - Make sure you make backups of any files
> used in testing versions of GnuCash in the 2.3.x series. Although the
> developers go to great lengths to ensure that no data will be lost we
> cannot guarantee that your data will not be affected if for some reason
> GnuCash crashes in testing these releases.
> PLEASE TEST TEST AND TEST SOME MORE any and all features important to you.
> Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla
> Major changes in the 2.3.x release include;
>     * In addition to the XML backend, Gnucash can now use a SQLite3,
> MySQL or PostgreSQL database to store the data. This is a new
> implementation using libdbi. It supports all features including the
> business features. In order to build with this, add --enable-dbi to the
> configure command. In addition to the libdbi-dev package for your
> distribution, you will also need the appropriate DBD (libdbi driver)
> package for sqlite3, mysql or postgresql.
>     * In addition to the current GtkHTML HTML engine used to display
> reports and graphs, Gnucash can use WebKit. WebKit is the engine used
> by Google Chrome on Windows and Safari on Apple. In order to build with
> this, add --enable-webkit to the configure command. You will need an
> appropriate webkit-dev package. On win32, you will need to download the
> file from the source repository and put it into
> the downloads directory of your gnucash build area.
>     * Updated to AqBanking 3 on Win32.
> Changes between 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 include:
>     * Changes in database schema. The "helper" tables (slots,
> recurrences, taxtable_entries) which can have multiple entries per
> object now have a unique, auto-increment integer primary key. Dates and
> date/times stored in the database are now stored in DATE and TIMESTAMP
> columns (mysql and pgsql). The "hidden" and "placeholder" account flags
> are now stored in individual fields in the accounts table. A new
> budget_amounts table contains 1 record per budget per account per
> period and contains the budget amount for that account/period. The
> scheduled transaction end date is now being stored. The versions table
> now has the table name as the primary key, and NULL values are
> disallowed for all fields.
> Because of these changes, you will need to delete and recreate
> your database. If you want to save your data, save it to XML before
> upgrading to 2.3.4, upgrade, then load the XML file and save to a new
> database or over your existing database.
>     * The standard report .scm files are now in
> /share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/standard-reports. When gnucash
> is started, it will scan this directory and load each .scm file into the
> report menu system. This means that if you want to add a new report to
> gnucash, you only need to copy it into this directory. * Updated Japanese
> translation
>     * Updated Dutch translation
>     * Updated Danish translation
>     * Fixed bug 591614: Saving to postgresql causes zombie scheduled
> transactions. * Ensure template root account (used for scheduled
> transactions) is stored even if there are no scheduled transactions *
> Accounts can be stored even if commodity=NULL
> * Fix bug 589418: commodities were not being stored properly.  This
> should solve the problem of the disappearing commodities.
>     * Improvements in the budget report:
>     1. For income accounts, the sign of the "difference" column is reversed
> so that positive values are good (more than budget). 2. Fix wrapping
> problems in budget cells (account labels, negative values, values in
> certain currencies) 3. Budget report can now display negative values in
> red.  This requires use of the Default-CSS stylesheet 4. Period dates are
> now centered properly over the columns for that period 5. Add an option to
> the budget report. If enabled, and an account does not have a budget value
> for the period, the budget values for all child accounts are added. If the
> chart of accounts is set up so that only leaf accounts have transactions,
> this allows budget values to be
> assigned either to all children and not the parent (they will be
> summed) or the parent.
>     * Changed --enable-webkit configure option to --with-html-engine=XXX
> where XXX is "gtkhtml" (default) or "webkit". * Merged latest pot template
> into all .po translation files.
>     * Fixed signed vs unsigned char pointer type conflicts.
> Caveats for Testers
> Any 2.3.x version might crash unexpectedly at any point during
> runtime. If you test some serious work in a 2.3.x release and are using
> the XML file backend for data storage, make sure you hit "Save" after
> every non-trivial workstep. If you are using the SQL backend, this is
> not required as every change is saved immediately to the database.
> The documentation has had screenshots updated, however, many
> help texts usually only refers to the 1.8.x series. Everyone is invited
> to help improve the documentation; see
> on how to get involved.
> How can you help?
> Testing: Test it and help us discover all bugs that might show up in there.
>  Please enter each and every bug into bugzilla.
> Translating: The new release comes with some new translation
> strings. If you consider contributing a translation, we invite you to
> test this release already. A string freeze will be announced in one of
> the later 2.3.x releases. Please check
> for updates on this.
> We would like to encourage people to test this and any further
> releases as much as possible and submit bug reports in order that we
> can polish GnuCash to be as stable as possible for the 2.4.0 release in
> a few weeks. Then post any bugs you find to bugzilla
> Getting GnuCash
> Source code for GnuCash 2.3.4 can be downloaded from or
> under "gnucash (unstable)".
> To install GnuCash, users will need Gnome 2, guile, slib and swig.
> Win32 binary
> The Gnucash 2.3.4 Win32 setup executable can be downloaded from
> Look under "gnucash
> (unstable)".
> About the Program
> GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the
> GNU General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD,
> Solaris, Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in
> 1997, and its first stable release was in 1998.
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