How do you re-save a custom report?

Michael Leone turgon at
Sun Aug 23 15:22:32 EDT 2009

I saved a custom report, based on the Income and Expense Chart. I
changed the options, and the name, and saved it by clicking on "Add
Report". But if I wanted to change some of the options, and re-save
(with the same name), how can I do that? The "Add Report" button is
grayed out. It seems there's no way to re-save the report.

As a related question, how would I go about deleting this saved,
custom report? I could just recreate the whole report, but I'd want to
delete the old customized one, so I could use the same report name. Am
I just overlooking something easy? Clicking "Save" doesn't do it; if I
close that tab, all the (newly chosen) options disappear.

Michael J. Leone, <mailto:turgon at>

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