Noob question about rebates/savings

Michael DeBusk michael at
Wed Aug 26 01:02:49 EDT 2009

Yves S. Garret wrote:

> This is how I do it now:
> Description:
> Stop & Shop:
> Memo:
> Bread (Expenses:Groceries) 2.99
> Milk    (Expenses:Groceries) 2.99
> Apples(Expenses:Groceries) 2.99
> Bread  (Expenses:Groceries)        0.49
> Milk    (Expenses:Groceries)         0.49
> Apples (Expenses:Groceries)         0.49

First, you wrote a check 7.50 (not 8.97) to Stop & Shop. You didn't
account for that in the above example.

Second, you *could* enter your savings as credits in your expense
account, but I think it might get messy after using it that way for a
while. Especially at the level of detail you're keeping.

Third, do you really, really need that level of detail? Why not just put
this in your checking account:

Stop & Shop              7.50
Expenses:Groceries  8.97
Expenses:Refunds         1.47

> Is there a way to do this? It's merely how the information is being 
> displayed. I tried putting the savings under it, but got them all 
> simply put at the end of all of the transactions (not what I wanted.)

I think what you're overlooking is the idea of split transactions.

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