Wishlist: All duplicated imported transactions in one expanded window

Doug Laidlaw laidlaws at hotkey.net.au
Thu Aug 27 10:31:57 EDT 2009

On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 12:23:30 pm Daniel Trezub wrote:
> When importing a QIF file over an existing account, the importer can find
> some duplicated transactions.
> The user has, then, to click on the imported transaction on the left panel
> of the window, click on the appropriate transaction on the right panel that
> matches the imported one, and so on for every duplicated imported
> transaction.
> When importing a large number of transactions with a large number of
> duplicates, this work can get very time consuming.
> One way to make things better is to show all duplicated transactions and
> their respective guesses in one big scrollable window, so the user can see
> at a glance every imported transaction AND their duplicate guesses,
> clicking on the matching transactions only.
> Another idea would be import the transactions into a "maybe duplicated
> transactions" account or something like this. The view for this account
> would be the transactions list with the imported ones in one line over the
> duplicated guesses in the following lines, with the ability to check the
> matching transactions. Something like a tree view, but without the need to
> expand it.
> Am I clear? :P
> What do you think? Give me your ideas so I can file this one in Bugzilla.
> Thanks, guys! Keep up the great job with GnuCash!
> =====
> Daniel

I rather like Quicken's way, where all the imported transactions are in a 
window below the ledger page, and the transaction being seen as the match is 
highlighted.  But  there are some features of the actual matching process that 
GnuCash handles better, IMO, such as where the check number is the only thing 
in common.  In those, Quicken doesn't even try, but GnuCash gets it right most 
of the time.  I think that each user's ideal package would contain an 
individual mix of elements from them all.


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