How to do this ? (amount remaining for rest of month)

Brenden Walker Brenden at
Thu Aug 27 13:41:50 EDT 2009

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 20:33:47 +0200 "Tim T." <tim.timmerman at> wrote:
> Hi,
>    after my initial fail with the GUI, I've got everything set up the
> way I want it, and it's actually an improvement over my old system.
> Biggest win: being able to import bankstatements directly.
> I'm only missing one thing: the amount remaining for the rest of the
> month. Let me explain:
> - All transactions on my Checking account come directly from my bank
> - I have to groups of recurring payments: One group at the start of

I do it a bit differently.  I have created budget scheduled transactions that fire 1st of the month, they transfer money from my checking account to the various 'budget' accounts which are sub accounts of checking.  All of my bills are paid from the budget accounts.

I can see how much money I 'really' have in checking by simply looking at the chart of accounts (as the parent includes subs).  I can see how much money is unencumbered by budget by looking at the actual checking account ledger, kinda what you're looking for perhaps not as precise though.

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