Exchange rate changes lead to imbalance

Dolfy d01fy at
Fri Aug 28 07:46:42 EDT 2009


Ver. 2.2.6

If you have multi-currencies or have stocks on your balance sheet, and their daily rate changes, the balance-sheet will go out of balance. Example:

I have 1 Eur only, and my B/S is in HUF currency.

Assets:   HUF 280 
   EUR:   EUR   1
Equity:   HUF 280

Now if the exchance rate changes from 1 EUR=280 HUF to 1 EUR=290HUF, I will have

Assets:  HUF 290
   EUR:  EUR   1
Equity:  HUF 280

which is clearly out of balance. Same with stocks and other commodities. Maybe some balancing transactions had to be introduced to handle this properly...

Thx, Dolfy


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