GnuCash data migration Windows <> Linux

rshuey@rgv rshuey at
Mon Aug 31 07:52:58 EDT 2009

Am learning GnuCash.  Can GnuCash data be migrated easily between 
Windows and Linux?

Current accounting is a simple General Ledger program run on Windows, 
with data kept on a Linux Samba server.  Looking for a replacement; the 
Win GL program is no longer supported.

To explore GnuCash I have loaded
..GnuCash 2.3.5 on a WinXPpro machine
..GnuCash 2.2.9 on a Fedora 11 machine

I track several similar companies, so one task is to replicate the same 
starting chart of accounts.  I have learned to do this by copy and 
rename of two files Windows
....\Documents and Settings\....\.gnucash\books\MyGCdata Linux

Contrary to what I have found by search of this forum and by the GC 
tutorial and help, copy of the first file alone seems insufficient; the 
hidden 'books' file is also needed.

My question relates to migrating data between Windows and Linux.  To use 
GnuCash operationally I could either a GnuCash on several Windows machines, with data centrally served 
by Linux Samba GnuCash centrally on Linux, accessing by VNC-viewer from the 
Windows machines.

While I learn GnuCash, develop the chart of accounts, and settle on the 
best operational scheme, I want to migrate the same data back and forth 
between Windows and Linux.

I have not been able to either
.."Save As" from Windows GnuCash to the Linux Samba server and open with 
Linux GnuCash
..copy the Windows ....\bin\MyGCdata and ....\books\MyGCdata to the 
Linux $HOME locations and then open with Linux GnuCash

(I need a better understanding of where GnuCash keeps its data for two 
other operational reasons be sure i get all the when I backup; presently by nightly mirror to 
an offsite sister Linux server occassionally put all the data on the laptop (dual boot 
WinXPpro/Fedora7) for when I travel; I keep a tight firewall on the 
Linux server here)

Finally, this is my first thrash at posting in this type forum (vice the 
VBulletin type).  Pls excuse any etiquite errors.

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