Gnucash on Ubuntu 9.04, crashing

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 3 12:47:03 EST 2009


Guido Milanese <guidofabrizio.milanese at> writes:

> I am trying again to use GnuCash on my Ubuntu 9.04 system. The 
> version of GnuCash is 2.2.9, compiled 2009-10-05.
> After loading, the programme exits with an error message, saying (I 
> translate from the Italian message) that "there was a problem" 
> processing FILENAME (the latest file I saved). I installed the 
> programme from scratch, removing all the dependencies with a careful 
> apt-get series of commands (clean, purge, etc.), but the problem 
> remains. The programme is not usable, at this stage. I also tried to 
> start a new empty file, just adding the accounts suggested by the 
> installation screens, with no change whatsoever but nothing changes.
> Running from shell I get:
> <quote>
> </quote>

These messages are all ignorable.

> Running from shell with '--debug' does not change the messages I 
> receive.

What is the exact message you receive?

> Thanks for any help. Honestly, I gave a try to other programmes but 
> this one is the best.
> guido, italy

There was another reported issue on an upgrade from Ubuntu 9.04 -> 9.10
that causes data corruption.  It's an Ubuntu-specific problem and has to
do with GnuCash overwriting your data file with a GConf or desktop file.
A fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 does not exhibit the problem.

I hope you have a backup of your data file, because you're going to need


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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