How do you manage credit card payments?

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sun Feb 1 22:32:01 EST 2009

>Is this also what you do?
>Rafferty D. Uy
>Software Engineer @ ease solutions Pte. Ltd.
>MBA Student @ National University of Singapore
No, I create an account in the "liabilities" tree (depending on your 
version, might have a built in type "credit card", but the fundamental 
account type is "liability")

Whenever you charge something you enter a transaction (that increases 
this liability). Once a month (presumably) you make a payment against 
some or all of this balance decreasing the liability. If you don't want 
to remember to enter as you charge things can wait for the statement and 
do it then (with transaction dates taken from the statement).


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