regarding the initial import on a monthly credit card statement

Jake jake.stroupe at
Mon Feb 9 19:51:41 EST 2009


I have gnucash 2.2.6  Here are my questions.

first question.

When you import a OFX file (say your credit card statement) for the first time
the program will ask you which account that OFX file should "dump" to.  and you
tell it and then start using the generic import transaction matcher window to
start sorting thiings into there respective expense buckets.

AFter the first time that you do that import though when ever you import your
credit card statment gnu cash is always going to dump it initially to the bucket
you pointed it to the first time.  Is there any way to change that to get it to
do the dump somewhere else. 

I ask because I set up the program to initially dump my credit statment to
imbalance usd and I should have had it dump to Liability: credit card. 

second question

After I "train the import transaction manager the first time on a particular
transaction say "grocery store A" should I expect the transaction manager to
automatically match it everytime there after. I'm not sure if I'm doing
something wrong but I am suspicious that it isn't doing a very good job of
matching up the transactions.  Got to fix question 1 first before I can be sure.

I apologize for the simplistic questions thanks in advance for any help I can
get on this.


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