Account specification of multiple transactions during/after import

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 17 12:31:30 EST 2009


Just copy your data file across.  Then File -> Open it on the other side.


Quoting Jodi Phelps <jpjphelps at>:

> Hi all,
> My transition from QB to Gnucash has gone quite smoothly, several 
> months, until now.  All I want to do is get my personal books on my 
> new laptop for planned trip this week.  I have never done a back
> up, but it seems it should be simple to save a back-up copy on a disc 
> and pop it into my laptop, but I
> have spent hours now, trying to do that.  Can anybody give me 
> specifics? The manual does not.
> Thanks,
> Jodi
> Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Pascal Wolkotte <p.t.wolkotte at> writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am a newbie on this mailinglist and I just started to work with
>>> gnucash. I have not been able to solve the following situation.
>>> >From my bank account I obtained all the transactions of a few years
>>> into a csv file. I have found a tool that converts it to either QIF or
>>> OFX, such that I can import it into gnucash. That works!
>>> However, all transactions are in "imbalance" after the import and per
>>> transaction I have to specify a specific expense or income account.
>>> This is quite a lot of work. I would like to speed this up.
>>> Furthermore, I would like to automate this for future imports for all
>>> known transactions, for example my monthly salary. Does anybody have
>>> tips how to achieve this?
>> During the import map the transactions to the proper Income/Expense 
>> accounts.
>>> Can I, for example:
>>> - specify the account/category in OFX, or
>> Not in OFX (but you can in QIF)
>>> - select multiple transactions and specify a single expense or income
>>> account, or
>> During import, yes.   But not from the register.
>>> - does gnucash support regular expresions that can match the
>>> transaction's descriptions or other transaction details
>> No.
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> Pascal Wolkotte
>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> -derek

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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