Mac OSX Leopard : Gnucash with Quartz in a .app

Chocodup chocodup at
Wed Feb 18 17:49:23 EST 2009


I have already been able to compile Gnucash 2.2.8 with X11 using fink.
I recenty have compiled Gnucash 2.2.8 with Quartz using macport ( 
All these solutions worked for me, but I still have to launch gnucash  
using a terminal.

Today, I tried to make a using the solution described in  
the following wiki page :
However, I haven't been able to compile gnucash successfully using  
this solution.

When I try to launch "jhbuild build", I have the following error :
jhbuild build: libgnomeprintui has a dependency on unknown  
"libgnomecanvas" module

Has anybody seen this error before ? How to go on ?
Thanks for your help,

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