Generate Invoice and track down payment for work?

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 19 18:27:09 EST 2009

GnuCash cannot do what you want.

I suggest you create the "deposit request" (invoice) by hand outside
of GnuCash.   When they pay you can still use Process Payment.  Then
as you post invoices it will use up the prepayment until they reach the
$250 and then it will show them how much is really due.


Quoting Mark S <colt22target at>:

> Let me try and explain the scenario a bit more.
> I have created an estimate for a project which is all time-based
> ($/hour) (lets say $500).
> I am requesting 50% of the estimated value up front ($250). I would like
> to generate an invoice for this $250.
> As I perform the work, I want to record the hours worked on the project
> and generate monthly invoices. When the invoice generates I want to be
> able to apply the credit to the invoice (so if my first invoice is for
> $100, the customer would net owe me nothing and still have a credit of
> $150. If my second invoice is for $200 the customer would use up the
> rest of the prepayment credit and owe me $50).
> I would rather not manually track the remaining credit and try and apply
> discounts on individual invoices if I can help it.
> Hopefully that provides enough detail to see if GnuCash can help.
> Thanks for your ideas so far!
> -Mark
> Maf. King wrote:
>> On Thursday 19 February 2009 06:34:24 Mark S wrote:
>>> I use GnuCash to track my small business.
>>> I have a customer where I am requesting 50% of the estimated cost down
>>> up front.
>>> Is there a way (and, if so, what is it) to generate an invoice for the
>>> 50% down, record the income, but then be able to reduce the future
>>> invoices until this amount has been used up?
>>> Thank you.
>>> -Mark
>> Hi Mark,
>> It seems to me that you have this conceptually wrong.  I'm in the 
>> UK, and this
>> is how I handle that situation.  YMMV if you are elsewhere.
>> There is a choice - either generate 2 invoices of 50% with differing payment
>> terms (what I tend to do - depends on the customer's wishes), or generate 1
>> invoice, requesting 2 payments.
>> It should be fairly obvious that GC will handle the former quite happily.
>> With the latter, you can allocate a partial payment in the "process payment"
>> box, and GC will track the outstanding balance for you.
>> I don't really understand what you mean about "reducing future invoices" -
>> unless you expect the customer might end up overpaying, in which 
>> case GC will
>> keep track of a "payment forward" into the future.
>> HTH,
>> Maf.
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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