How can I do something like the "Envelope System"
Dennis Muhlestein
djmuhlestein at
Sat Jan 3 09:42:58 EST 2009
On Jan 3, 2009, at 6:51 AM, John R. Carter, Sr. wrote:
> I'm rethinking Dennis's article and how he does budgeting.
I like what you've presented. It helps to solve my asset and
balancing situation. I initially tried to do something similar, but I
had problems reconciling where the money actually was that way. For
me, it isn't as simple as having one external savings account to
represent budgeted money. I think this is partially because I spend
money from a lot of different sources that GnuCash is tracking. e.g.,
If I purchase some groceries, I might use one of a number of credit
cards or just use a debit card or write a check. In any case, the
money needs to come out of the correct account. Here are two example
setups and transactions.
A - My method
budgeted cash
credit card
Income transaction ($100 income, all budgeted toward food)
checking debit $100
income credit $100
budgeted cash debit $100
budget food credit $100
purchase transaction
credit card credit $20
expense:food debit $20
budget food debit $20
asset:budgeted cash $20
pay the card:
checking credit $20
card debit $20
B - External account method
credit card
Income transaction ($100 income, all budgeted toward food)
budget:food debit $100 (actual money stored in separate account, not
income credit $100
purchase transaction
credit card credit $20
expense:food debit $20
Now, you have a separate budget liability account to represent that
money has been spent from a budget
Liabilities:budget spent
budget:spent debit $20
budget:food credit $20
Then, when you pay your credit card, you transfer some money from your
budget spent category to your checking
budget spent: credit $20
checking debit $20 (This is followed by a real transfer of funds
between savings/checking
And finally, pay the card
credit card: debit $20
checking credit $20
Of course, if you can pay your credit card with your savings you avoid
one transaction, then you could just show:
budget:spent credit $20
credit card: debit $20
Perhaps you have a better way to accomplish this but this is what I
gleaned from your email. in my scenario B, it requires more
transactions than A but it is more representative of how things really
ought to work I think. I think my biggest problem with scenario B is
that 1, I don't have physical bank accounts that mimic what is set up
here and I haven't figured out how with GnuCash to represent what is
unique to me. One issue for example is that I frequently transfer
amounts from checking to an equity account earning me interest, and
then transfer the money back out to pay bills as needed (hopefully
lots less than I transferred in ;) ). I want to track my budget no
matter where I decide to store my money. e.g., I may get money as
cash that I don't deposit but have an assets:cash account for. I want
to track that as well but I may not deposit the money into the bank at
all. Hence the virtual asset:budgeted cash account which really
doesn't exist.
I also think we're really getting somewhere with this and that GnuCash
is very cool. What other software lets you do all this stuff however
you want!
> It seems to me that a combination of scheduling and allocation of
> funds to separate GnuCash accounts and one special external savings
> account will do all that everyone wants, and without opening up the
> budget feature in GnuCash.
> First, set up the accounts in the prescribed default manner (with
> subaccounts and all) creating separate liability accounts for each
> budget item.
> Here's a sample chart of accounts:
> Assets
> . Checking
> . Savings
> . (other Assets)
> Expenses
> . Auto
> . Home
> . Groceries
> . Insurance
> . . Auto
> . . Home
> . (other Expenses)
> Liabilities
> . Budget (in reality is a savings account, but must be different
> than the one under Assets)
> . . Auto
> . . . Maintenance
> . . . Fuel
> . . . Insurance
> . . Home
> . . . Maintenance
> . . . Insurance
> . . Groceries
> . . (other Budget items)
> . Mortgage
> . Credit Cards
> . . Visa
> . . Master Card
> . (other Liabilities)
> Income
> . My Job
> Then, in GnuCash schedule transactions that transfer funds from
> income to a liability account that is earmarked as a budget item.
> Then, when you spend money from the liability budget account it is
> balanced against an expense account. This is really no different
> than treating the liability budget account like a credit card in
> which you initially put money in instead of starting with a zero
> balance and charging against it.
> The scheduling activity takes the place of the budget feature in
> GnuCash. You can change the amount of money to transfer from income
> to liability at will. As you spend from a liability account you will
> know instantly when you are about to exceed the funds in that
> account (the balance is normally red showing a surplus and will turn
> black when overdrawn). You really don't need to maintain separate
> external savings accounts unless you want the budget money to earn
> interest while you're waiting to spend it (wise idea, though). If
> you did put all the budget money into one external savings account,
> you would need to arrange for automatic transfer of money from the
> checking account to the savings account, then do transfers from
> savings to checking to cover expenses from the budgeted accounts.
> But this external savings account needs to be set up in GnuCash as a
> liability not an asset.
> This gives you everything you need for budgeting. The income is
> transferred to the external savings account identified for holding
> budget funds. That money is allocated to the appropriate liability
> accounts in GnuCash that are set up for budgeting. Expenses from
> those accounts are assigned to the appropriate expense account. The
> balance sheet will automatically show the bottom line. Reports will
> be easy to create to track budgetary expenses and balances. On
> payday, you have an automatic bank transfer from checking to savings
> for the total budgeted amount and the GnuCash scheduled transactions
> determine how it is allocated to the several liability (budget)
> accounts.
> On Jan 2, 2009, at 11:17 PM, Rafferty Uy wrote:
>> Very nice article. I also plan to write a blog on this very nice
>> tool next
>> month. I just want to see how things will go after 1 month's income
>> and
>> expenses first.
>> Anyhow, I think I have the scheduled transaction set up. I'll just
>> wait and
>> see how things go :)
>> Thanks for everyone's help.
>> Rafferty D. Uy
>> Software Engineer @ ease solutions Pte. Ltd.
>> MBA Student @ National University of Singapore
>> "Business is a game, the greatest game in the world if you know how
>> to play
>> it."
>> ~ Thomas J Watson (Founder of IBM)
>> On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 12:03 AM, Dennis Muhlestein
>> <djmuhlestein at>wrote:
>>> Rafferty Uy wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Does anyone know how to do something like the envelope system?
>>>> Here's the
>>>> idea:
>>>> You have a payroll account, where every month a fixed amount is
>>>> deposited
>>>> by
>>>> your employer.
>>>> You want to allocate this amount to different "envelopes", but
>>>> all kept in
>>>> your bank account.
>>>> So for example you have a bank account with a total deposit of
>>>> $1000, you
>>>> know that this $1000 is composed of $200 in savings, $300 in
>>>> bills, $400
>>>> for
>>>> daily necessities and $100 for unplanned things.
>>>> Is there a way to do this automatically for every pay day?
>>> I prefer referred to my budget article in another email I just
>>> sent. I use
>>> the envelopes system w/ GnuCash. It allows me to spend money with
>>> any
>>> account (I don't use the subaccount menthod) and from any budget.
>>> You just
>>> have to manually record which budget account you use. j
>>> There may indeed be a better way to do it, but it is working very
>>> well for
>>> me.
>>> -Dennis
> --
> John Carter
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