Standard order question

Guido Van Hoecke gnucash at
Tue Jul 21 04:59:12 EDT 2009

Hi Derek,

> The standard order is:
> Trans.date_posted
> Trans.num (using integer compare)
> Trans.date_entered
> Trans.description
> Trans.GUID
> Split.memo
> Split.action
> Split.reconciled
> Split.amout
> Split.value
> Split.date_reconciled
> Split.GUID

Good to know, from now on I'll use a sequence number in front of the
quantity in the num field.

> Are you sure you're set the standard sort order?  There's no way it
> should be mingling multiple post dates in standard order... Ever.

I failed to clarify my point. I thought that the 'Date of entry'
order menu choice would result into transactions sorted on
Trans.date_entered, which would result in my desired sort order.
Apparently, there are other criteria too. So I'll stick to the
'Standard order' and use a sequenced mum field value.

Thanks for the promptly supplied info!


Defeat is worse than death because you have to live with defeat.
		-- Bill Musselman ... and go2 places!

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