recombine multiple .xac files
charlie gajan
charlesgajan at
Mon Jul 27 13:27:19 EDT 2009
On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 13:05 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting charlie gajan <charlesgajan at>:
> > I have been starting a new .xac file every January 1 for ten years. The
> > files only range in size from 75K to 175K. I was wondering if it were
> > possible to recombine them into a single file?
> Umm.. Use GnuCash2QIF and use the QIF Import?
Thanks. I should have thought of that. After ten years I've gone on auto
pilot with gnucash and really kind of lurk here. I'll try to kick start
the cranial activity.
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