Migration from Peachtree

Cam Ellison cam at ellisonet.ca
Wed Mar 4 15:48:04 EST 2009

Scott McNutt wrote:
> I recently became involved in a local not-for-profit organization that
> has maintained its finances using Peachtree. I'd like to migrate to
> gnucash, but it's not clear to me how to approach the task ... or if
> it even makes sense. I would have to migrate several years of
> transactions.
What little I know about Peachtree includes the fact that it has a 
proprietary database.  It also appears to have an export function that 
yields a CSV file.  How complete a file I cannot say.  Unfortunately, 
Gnucash does not import CSV, so this is a two-step process: there are 
CSV to QIF converters out there, and Gnucash imports QIF just fine.



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