Change text on accounts created
Elizabeth Dodd
edodd at
Sun Mar 8 03:36:39 EDT 2009
On Sun, 8 Mar 2009, hendrik at wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 04:43:38PM -0800, Des Dougan wrote:
> > Elizabeth,
> >
> > On 7 Mar 2009, at 16:29, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:
> > > Once I had instructions on "which bank account to put the deposit
> > > in" instead
> > > of "Thankyou for your patronage" on the bottom of the accounts
> > > Did I alter something in the program or was this a menu item?
> > > I can't find it now.
> > > All assistance gratefully received
> >
> > It's one of the options on the invoice - Open an invoice report,
> > select Options, then the Text tab.
> For mystified North Americans, who might be wondering why you'd want
> such a message on an invoice:
> In Europe it's pretty common to put your bank account information on
> your letterhead, even. If anyone wants to send you money, they tell
> their bank to put in your account in your bank, and then your bank sends
> you a note telling you that has been done, usually with a copy (or
> original) of your iriginal request, so you can pass a short message this
> way, too (such as what the payment is for).
> It's the usual way to send money to someone, and is more secure than
> cheques. These things don't bounce. If they make it to your creditor,
> the money is already there.
> -- hendrik
Cheques? No - you can even take your money to the post office here and have
them pay the bills electronically for you. A rival system setup in newsagents
and supermarkets didn't survive.
It's important, so now there is another stylesheet "Footer" for adding a bit
of text at the bottom of your invoices.
As well as using this file in /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/
you need another line
in /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/stylesheets.scm
(use-modules (gnucash report stylesheet-footer))
No, I didn't write it, but Derek always says "good idea, send me a patch" so I
conned my son into writing it for me. 4 years of Uni in Computer Science I've
paid for, so you should all get the benefits.
The one sure way to make a lazy man look respectable is to put a fishing
rod in his hand.
-------------- next part --------------
;; stylesheet-easy.scm: stylesheet with nicer formatting for
;; printing and easier configurability
;; Copyright 2004 James Strandboge <jstrand1 at>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu at
;; Based on work from:
;; stylesheet-header.scm
;; Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib at>
; ; Modified by Graham Billiau to include a text footer
(define-module (gnucash report stylesheet-footer))
(use-modules (gnucash main)) ;; FIXME: delete after we finish modularizing.
(use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
(gnc:module-load "gnucash/report/report-system" 0)
(define (footer-options)
(let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
(lambda (opt)
(gnc:register-option options opt))))
(N_ "General")
(N_ "Preparer") "a"
(N_ "Name of person preparing the report")
(N_ "General")
(N_ "Prepared for") "b"
(N_ "Name of organization or company prepared for")
(N_ "General")
(N_ "Show preparer info") "c"
(N_ "Name of organization or company")
(N_ "General")
(N_ "Enable Links") "c"
(N_ "Enable hyperlinks in reports")
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Background Tile") "a" (N_ "Background tile for reports.")
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Heading Banner") "b" (N_ "Banner for top of report.")
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Heading Alignment") "c" (N_ "Banner for top of report.")
(list (vector 'left
(N_ "Left")
(N_ "Align the banner to the left"))
(vector 'center
(N_ "Center")
(N_ "Align the banner in the center"))
(vector 'right
(N_ "Right")
(N_ "Align the banner to the right"))
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Logo") "d" (N_ "Company logo image.")
; FIXME: put this in a more sensible tab
(N_ "Images")
(N_ "Footer") "e"
(N_ "String to placed as a footer")
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Background Color") "a" (N_ "General background color for report.")
(list #xff #xff #xff 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Text Color") "b" (N_ "Normal body text color.")
(list #x00 #x00 #x00 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Link Color") "c" (N_ "Link text color.")
(list #xb2 #x22 #x22 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Table Cell Color") "c" (N_ "Default background for table cells.")
(list #xff #xff #xff 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Alternate Table Cell Color") "d"
(N_ "Default alternate background for table cells.")
(list #xff #xff #xff 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Subheading/Subtotal Cell Color") "e"
(N_ "Default color for subtotal rows.")
(list #xee #xe8 #xaa 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Sub-subheading/total Cell Color") "f"
(N_ "Color for subsubtotals")
(list #xfa #xfa #xd2 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Grand Total Cell Color") "g"
(N_ "Color for grand totals")
(list #xff #xff #x00 0)
255 #f))
(N_ "Tables")
(N_ "Table cell spacing") "a" (N_ "Space between table cells")
1 0 20 0 1))
(N_ "Tables")
(N_ "Table cell padding") "b" (N_ "Space between table cells")
1 0 20 0 1))
(N_ "Tables")
(N_ "Table border width") "c" (N_ "Bevel depth on tables")
1 0 20 0 1))
(define (footer-renderer options doc)
(let* ((ssdoc (gnc:make-html-document))
(lambda (section name)
(gnc:lookup-option options section name))))
(lambda (section name)
(gnc:lookup-option options section name))))
(preparer (opt-val (N_ "General") (N_ "Preparer")))
(prepared-for (opt-val (N_ "General") (N_ "Prepared for")))
(show-preparer? (opt-val (N_ "General") (N_ "Show preparer info")))
(links? (opt-val (N_ "General") (N_ "Enable Links")))
(bgcolor (color-val (N_ "Colors") (N_ "Background Color")))
(textcolor (color-val (N_ "Colors") (N_ "Text Color")))
(linkcolor (color-val (N_ "Colors") (N_ "Link Color")))
(normal-row-color (color-val (N_ "Colors") (N_ "Table Cell Color")))
(alternate-row-color (color-val (N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Alternate Table Cell Color")))
(color-val (N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Subheading/Subtotal Cell Color")))
(color-val (N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Sub-subheading/total Cell Color")))
(grand-total-color (color-val (N_ "Colors")
(N_ "Grand Total Cell Color")))
(bgpixmap (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Background Tile")))
(headpixmap (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Heading Banner")))
(logopixmap (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Logo")))
(footer-text (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Footer")))
(align (gnc:value->string(opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Heading Alignment"))))
(spacing (opt-val (N_ "Tables") (N_ "Table cell spacing")))
(padding (opt-val (N_ "Tables") (N_ "Table cell padding")))
(border (opt-val (N_ "Tables") (N_ "Table border width")))
(headcolumn 0))
; center the document without elements inheriting anything
(gnc:html-document-add-object! ssdoc
(gnc:make-html-text "<center>"))
ssdoc "body"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" bgcolor)
'attribute (list "text" textcolor)
'attribute (list "link" linkcolor))
ssdoc "number-header"
'tag "th"
'attribute (list "align" "right"))
ssdoc "number-cell"
'tag "td"
'attribute (list "align" "right")
'attribute (list "nowrap"))
(if (and bgpixmap
(not (string=? bgpixmap "")))
ssdoc "body"
'attribute (list "background" bgpixmap)))
ssdoc "table"
'attribute (list "border" border)
'attribute (list "cellspacing" spacing)
'attribute (list "cellpadding" padding))
ssdoc "normal-row"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" normal-row-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "alternate-row"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" alternate-row-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "primary-subheading"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" primary-subheading-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "secondary-subheading"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" secondary-subheading-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "grand-total"
'attribute (list "bgcolor" grand-total-color)
'tag "tr")
ssdoc "text-cell"
'tag "td"
'attribute (list "align" "left"))
ssdoc "total-number-cell"
'tag '("td" "b")
'attribute (list "align" "right"))
ssdoc "total-label-cell"
'tag '("td" "b")
'attribute (list "align" "left"))
ssdoc "centered-label-cell"
'tag '("td" "b")
'attribute (list "align" "center"))
;; don't surround marked-up links with <a> </a>
(if (not links?)
ssdoc "a" 'tag ""))
(let ((t (gnc:make-html-table)))
;; we don't want a bevel for this table, but we don't want
;; that to propagate
t "table"
'attribute (list "border" 0)
'inheritable? #f)
; set the header column to be the 2nd when we have a logo
; do this so that when logo is not present, the document
; is perfectly centered
(if (and logopixmap (> (string-length logopixmap) 0))
(set! headcolumn 1))
(let* ((title (gnc:html-document-title doc))
(doc-headline (gnc:html-document-headline doc))
(headline (if (eq? doc-headline #f) title doc-headline)))
t 1 headcolumn
(if show-preparer?
;; title plus preparer info
(gnc:html-markup-b headline)
(_ "Prepared by: ")
(gnc:html-markup-b preparer)
(_ "Prepared for: ")
(gnc:html-markup-b prepared-for)
(_ "Date: ")
(cons (current-time) 0)))
;; title only
(gnc:html-markup-b headline))))
; only setup an image if we specified one
(if (and logopixmap (> (string-length logopixmap) 0))
t 0 0
(gnc:html-markup-img logopixmap)))))
(if (and headpixmap (> (string-length headpixmap) 0))
t 0 headcolumn
"<div align=\"" align "\">"
"<img src=\"" headpixmap "\">"
t 0 headcolumn
(gnc:make-html-text " ")))
t 2 headcolumn
(gnc:html-document-objects doc))
(gnc:html-document-add-object! ssdoc t)
; I think this is the correct place to put the footer
t 3 headcolumn
(gnc:make-html-text footer-text))
'version 1
'name (N_ "Footer")
'renderer footer-renderer
'options-generator footer-options)
(gnc:make-html-style-sheet "Footer" (N_ "Footer"))
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