Imported invoices and other problems...

Josh Sled jsled at
Sun May 3 22:57:58 EDT 2009

defaria <Andrew at> writes:
> H.S. wrote:
>> I have been following this discussion with some interest. However, may I
>> point out that your mail client appears to be messing up the quoting and
>> it is making it difficult to follow your replies.
> Mail client? What mail client? I'm using AFAICT
> there's no email involved - well at least not on my end.
> If the "mail" is getting messed up you'll need to speak to them.

As the person moderating through your every message because you haven't
signed up for the mailing list, I can assure you that it's not the
mailing list software.  I see how things look on Nabble, and it is
reasonable there.  Unfortunately, they seem to deliver a copy of the
message that does not indicate any message quotation after the first
block: <>.

Since I'm bothering to waste my time replying to this thread, I'll note
that I'm not going to moderate through any more messages that aren't
strictly constructive in nature (i.e., are about helping to extend the
QIF importer to handle invoices).  I think multiple parties are in the
"wrong", here, but I don't really care; the s/n ratio on this thread is
nearing 0.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}
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