Does gnucash provide "current value" list of assets?

cyrano at cyrano at
Wed Oct 28 16:55:17 EDT 2009

I'm trying to replace Microsoft Money, which I like and have used for many years. I've tried out other software, but have found them cumbersome. The latest reject, "AceMoney" doesn't even give me my current asset value within accounts or give me a main page total from each investment account. (as does Microsoft Money)

("AceMoney" yields only the figure derived from factoring in the cost basis vs gain/loss. Getting the current value requires opening each account and doing the math in order to arrive at a figure.) 

I'm an accounting moron, but would like to know if your program will handle my need to track and download investments/prices, provide the needed gain/loss information, and additionally provide a list of my updated current asset values. (net worth). If so, will your last stable version accomplish this, and will the interface allow a non-accountant (moron) to use it?

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