making column width stick

Richard Ullger rullger at
Sat Sep 19 15:56:05 EDT 2009


The way to make this work is as follows:

The column widths are only stored in gconf when a register is closed. So
set the column widths you desire in a register window and then close
that register. Do not close any other registers you may already have

Any register you now open will use the new column widths. If you keep
many registers open, to save you having to close each one and reopen it
to use the new column widths, instead close gnucash and restart it. When
gnucash restarts it will use the new column widths for all registers.

This behaviour is noted in v2.2.9 on linux.



On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 20:09 -0600, D. R. Evans wrote:
> Mike Alexander said the following at 09/18/2009 04:48 PM :
> > Look under /apps/gnucash/window/pages/register.  The other page types 
> > are siblings of this one.  At least I think that's where these entries 
> > are.  They exist there on my machine, but I haven't verified that 
> > Gnucash actually uses them.
> Yeah, I'd seen those, but none of the entries seem to relate to the names
> of the columns...
> Ah!! It seems like they use *different* names... they are credit_width and
> debit_width instead of withdrawal_width and deposit_width.
> And yes, gnucash does use them.
> I still have no idea why any of this was necessary and the values aren't
> being saved properly, but at least now I can make the changes manually.
> Thanks muchly.
>   Doc
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