Placeholder Accounts report 0 balances, why?

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at
Fri Apr 2 08:00:57 EDT 2010


Several of my Placeholder accounts show balances in the data file, as expected, 
however, when I print a report they show ZERO! What have I missed? I am 
including an example(brief) below:

In the datafile:

In the data file:

	Assets:			$600,787.40
		Current Assets:		$25,329.97
	   	   	Amerprise - CDs	    $12,062.11	   	
	   	   	Checking Accounts   $16,527.12	   	
	   	   	Savings Account        $740.74

As reported:

	Assets	   	   	$0.00	
	   	Current Assets	   	$0.00	   	
	   	   	Amerprise - CDs	    $12,062.11	   	
	   	   	Checking Accounts   $16,527.12	   	
	   	   	Savings Account        $740.74	   	

I hvae also noticed that the Grand Total Assets does not agree with the Assets, 
but is several dollars smaller. Again,why?

OS info:  Ubuntu 8.04LTS GnuCash 2.2.4



Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at
Registered Linux User ID - 9115
Registered Ubuntu User ID - 23320

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