Placeholder Accounts report 0 balances, why?

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sat Apr 3 08:56:55 EDT 2010

> I was able to get the reports to print the way I wanted... Now for the 
> big question ... Is there any way of making a selection permanent? I 
> would like to be able to save a particular set of options for each 
> report I need.
    I find it mildly annoying to have to reset ALL the options I want 
each time running a report. But I would find "saving"as in "save the 
report" rather useless since there is always something that needs to be 
edited; the effective date(s)  if nothing else.

    I think what we would be wanting here is to make option changes 
"sticky" instead of returning to the default each time. That's not the 
same thing as "permanent" and even that  would only be partially useful 
to folks like me who use the application to keep more than one set of 
books (no guarantee you'd want the same report options).


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