eguile dev environment

Mike Alexander mta at
Tue Apr 6 19:02:59 EDT 2010

--On April 6, 2010 6:40:42 PM +0100 Chris Dennis 
<cgdennis at> wrote:

> The only general advice I can give is to use the existing eguile
> reports as a starting point, and try to work it out from there.

The only existing eguile report that seems to be installed is the 
taxinvoice report, is that correct?  Would it be ok to get the eguile 
balance sheet report installed?  I had to make some changes to make it 
work with the trading account changes and it would be good to get them 
into SVN.  Also the eguile report is a lot faster than the existing 
balance sheet report.  Are there any other equile based reports I don't 
know about?


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