Account Balances Louse-up? .

Felix Karpfen felix.karpfen at
Thu Apr 8 05:18:01 EDT 2010

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 4:23 PM, David T. <sunfish62 at> wrote:
> Ooh, it sounds like you made some work for yourself. The Close Books routine just creates a big Zeroing Transaction as of a given date; to remove the effects of this process, you only had to delete the special zeroing transactions (there are two: one for expense accounts, one for income).

I am working my way (slowly) through the GnuCash Help Manual; and I
have not stumbled across that option yet.  I was happy to find that my
saved back-up file undid my self-inflicted wounds!

> As for Monthly Income reports, try running the Income Statement report and changing the options to cover the accounts and time period you want.

Found that in the Manual after posting the question. :(

I also found  "Preferences -> Accounting Period -> Relative
<Start|End> Date" which looks as though it will do exactly what I was
looking for.

> [BTW, in Gnucash, you have to run a report first, and then edit its options.] Once you have a report with the information you want, most people I've heard on this list export the report information as HTML or to a PDF file for archiving (you'd need to do that for recordkeeping purposes, as far as I understand, anyway).

The HTML option is likely to do everything that I wanted; I shall find
out when I try it (30 April 2010)!

> I also believe that there are ways to set your preferences so that your financial period covers the time frame you want. That way, you can easily set up reports to cover YTD information, regardless of how you define "Y".

The above-mentioned Preference also gives the (alternative) option to
start the Accounting Period on 1 July and finish it on 30 June.  But I
do not believe that I can activate both options.

Thank you for the pointers.

Felix Karpfen

Felix Karpfen

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