Installation/startup issues with gnucash in openSuSE-11.1

John Mills johnmills at
Thu Apr 8 21:30:59 EDT 2010

Gnucash users -

I just installed gnucash-2.2.7-1.18 and (presumably) its dependencies 
using the Yast system manager. (Yast claims all dependencies are 
satisfied.) When I try to start it, I very briefly see the splash screen, 
then gnucash dies. Starting it from a console I see the error messages:

jmills at muskrat:~> gnucash
gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at 
configure time.

ERROR: In procedure open-file:
ERROR: No such file or directory: "/usr/share/guile/site/slib/mklibcat"

Checking for the missing file, I see:
jmills at muskrat:~> ls /usr/share/guile/site/slib/mklibcat*

Is this the file needed? If so, why is it not found?

Any suggestions for getting gnucash 'on the air' will be greatly 

  - John Mills

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