Trouble Loading Finance::Quote

John Layman john.layman at
Fri Apr 9 09:59:38 EDT 2010


I mistakenly supposed that the window that flashes by at GNUCash launch too
quickly to be identified was due to the perl script being invoked (I hadn't
noticed it before installing this feature.)  I haven't done so yet, but will
likely set this up in the scheduler to run daily, along with the python
script I'm using for importing quotes to my Microsoft Money parallel.

As I switch over from Money, I'm realizing that the investment features of
GNUCash are limited enough that they can't really replace Money.  While I
will keep tracking investments in GNUCash, I'm going to use Morningstar as
the primary source for monitoring my portfolio.

-----Original Message-----
From: David T. [mailto:sunfish62 at] 
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 5:14 PM
To: 'John Ralls'; john.layman at
Cc: 'gnucash-user'
Subject: RE: Trouble Loading Finance::Quote

You know, it might not be that difficult to create a wraparound batch file
(assuming that you are on Windows) that does what is mentioned in the
Concepts document. Using a text editor, just put the command on the first
line, and the appropriate Gnucash command on the next, and use this batch
file to run Gnucash. Unfortunately, I no longer do Windows, so I can't try
it out on Windows and give the exact commands, but I suspect others could.

It will have something like:

/Path/To/Gnucash/gnucash --add-price-quotes $HOME/gnucash-filename

You might even get fancy and do:

/Path/To/Gnucash/gnucash --add-price-quotes $HOME/$1

and then create a shortcut that passed your file as a parameter. That way,
you could have more than one Gnucash file and update it with different
desktop icons. {keep in mind that you need to set the appropriate paths;
that's the part I can't help you with}

As for that review, I have sent a comment to them to ask that they correct
the inaccuracy. I will also see whether I can come up with clearer language
for the online docs.


--- On Tue, 3/30/10, John Layman <john.layman at> wrote:

> From: John Layman <john.layman at>
> Subject: RE: Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
> To: "'John Ralls'" <jralls at>
> Cc: "'gnucash-user'" <gnucash-user at>
> Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 12:41 PM Re-reading this section of the 
> doc, yes, I see that I had a misconception about how this feature is 
> invoked once it has been installed [probably due to my having read the 
> review first - it's what persuaded me to give GNUCash a try].  But, 
> 'succinct' is not a word I'd use to describe the way this feature is 
> documented, and for a person like myself who has his hands full 
> running a small business, something more succinct would be helpful.  
> As it stands, the entire section must be read carefully in order to 
> grasp the overall "shape" of the feature.
> Clearly, 'clearly' is in the eye of the beholder.  The author of the 
> review misinterpreted the manual just as I did, and we were both 
> making an honest effort to use the software properly.  I disagree that 
> the doc all that plainly puts "automatic" in the context of a cron 
> job.  It simply says that the command X *can* be used to update 
> prices, and that it
> *can* be automated
> by creating a crontab entry.  Indeed, "automatic" is used ambiguously 
> in that the 'Get Quotes' button is by implication also automatic 
> updating.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Ralls [mailto:jralls at]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:38 PM
> To: john.layman at
> Cc: 'gnucash-user'
> Subject: Re: Trouble Loading Finance::Quote
> On Mar 30, 2010, at 7:29 AM, John Layman wrote:
> > The doc is rather misleading in this regard, given
> that it several
> > times states that the feature 'automatically' updates
> prices.  There
> > is nothing very 'automatic' about doing so only
> through menu selection.
> > 
> > I am paralleling with Money 2008 and my Money online
> services have
> > expired, so I've been running Python scripts in the
> scheduler to
> > update the stock quotes in Money.  I'll try doing
> the same with GNUCash.
> > 
> The only reference I found to updating automatically was the link I 
> posted yesterday, which pretty clearly puts "automatic" in the context 
> of a cron job (the unix equivalent of "Scheduled Tasks"). Where are 
> the ones I missed?
> Regards,
> John Ralls=
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