Runaway reconciliation

David Reiser dbreiser at
Thu Apr 15 01:42:39 EDT 2010

On Apr 14, 2010, at 7:09 PM, Paul A. wrote:

> I was trying to do an import/reconciliation, and when I clicked OK, the
> process started running away, endlessly creating duplicate transactions. 
> Since the display is messed up, it's hard to know just what's going on.  Is
> this a known problem?  How can I get past it?
> -- 
 I think you are seeing a display bug that occurs when you click OK in the matcher dialog. The transaction you think is being duplicated is just being written over and over without the older instance being cleared until the import is finished. Once the import finishes, the register should appear normally with only one copy of the "runaway" transaction actually in the register.

If you have more than 10 or 20 transactions in the import, gnucash can take a fair amount of time to complete the import. So you'll be looking at a corrupt display for possibly many seconds until the import completes and refreshes the register display.

David Reiser
dbreiser at

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