Year End Closing - Transfer of Balances

info at info at
Thu Apr 15 07:06:36 EDT 2010

Dear GNU users,


I am trying to find our for our small company in Ghana, where we use
GNUCASH, how I can close the books, and then re-open with the balances,
while maintaining the account structure. I have not been able to find
information on the websites on this topic. I am not a programmer.


If the closing is not possible, the obvious things would be to export
accounts (possible) and then (re)import the account structure. However the
import does not work.


Any hint?


Best regards,


Reynier Funke 
Geschäftsführer QEW GmbH / MD QEW Ghana Ltd. 
Tel.       +49 (8565) 9643850 
Mobil D    +49 (171) 8801310 

Mobil Africa

Ghana: +233 (20) 6512755

Ivory Coast: +225 (03) 456726

Web:  <>

Email.    <mailto:info at> info at

Skype: reynierfunke

QEW GmbH, Herrengasse 10, 84378 Dietersburg 
Geschäftsführung: Reynier Funke, Johann Osendorfer; 
Usr-IDNr. DE255859849; Registergericht Landshut HRB 7226 
Kreis- und Sparkasse Erding-Dorfen: Kto: 10306959, BLZ 70051995; 
SWIFT-BIC BYLADEM1ERD, IBAN: DE06 7005 1995 0010 3069 59 


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