Are Small Business TXF Categories Available in Mac Gnucash?

John Ralls jralls at
Tue Apr 20 16:20:45 EDT 2010

On Apr 20, 2010, at 12:27 PM, J. Alex Aycinena wrote:

> The currently available stable release 2.2.9 is limited in offering
> TXF US Income Tax support for only individuals (as well as having
> other limitations). The development version, which will come out in
> due course as 2.4, has already been enhanced to provide the support
> you noted above. The documentation you quote has been updated for that
> future release but does not apply to 2.2.9. The major limitation that
> will still apply for the new release deals with not supporting capital
> gains transaction exports or reporting.
> I guess this is an unusual case where the documentation is ahead of
> the product rather than lagging behind as is usually the case. I don't
> know if documentation is provided on the Mac (I assume it is) but if
> you look at the installed version of the documentation (rather than
> the on-line version) it should correspond to the capabilities of your
> installed version of gnucash.

The documentation is in html format in the app bundle. Right (or control) click on and select "show package contents" from the context menu.

Navigate to Contents:Resources:English.lproj:Gnucash Help:index.html and double-click on it. The help will open in your browser.

John Ralls

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