Capital Gains Input Question

Fred Bone Fred.Bone at
Mon Dec 13 07:56:42 EST 2010

On 12 December 2010 at 20:33, David T. said:

> Thanks. My problem is not related to incorrect valuation of share
> liquidation, though--it's a matter of not being able to enter capital
> gains amounts.

OK, let's spell it out in words of one syllable.

You have 150 shares in XXX, bought for 3 each, which you are selling for 
4 each. Assuming no transaction costs, that's a capital gain of 150.

Open the account for XXX, in which you have previously recorded the 
purchase. Set the view to "Basic". Click "Blank". Adjust the txn date as 
necessary, enter Description, enter the account that receives the sale 
proceeds, enter "-150" in "Tot shares" and "4" in next column. Hit 
"Return" to complete the txn so far.

Click "Split" (or select "Transaction Journal" view"), click on this txn 
and go to the blank split.

Enter any desired memo, tab to "Account" column, select your capital 
gains account, tab to "Debit" column, enter value of gain (150), tab 
twice to next split.

Enter any desired memo, tab to "Account" column, enter this account, tab 
to "Price" column, delete the "1". "Credit" column will already show 
value of gain (150). Hit "return" twice.

All done.

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