Quick database question

Derek Atkins derek at ihtfp.com
Thu Dec 23 17:36:53 EST 2010

On Thu, December 23, 2010 4:14 pm, Colin Law wrote:
> On 23 December 2010 18:49, Phil Longstaff <plongstaff at rogers.com> wrote:
>> No, there is no backup.  If using sqlite3, the database is in a file
>> and you
>> need to manually backup.  If using mysql or pgsql, it is assumed you
>> will use
>> the database tools to periodically backup.
>> It wouldn't hurt to provide a mechanism for automatically backing up the
>> sqlite3
>> file periodically.
> A long time ago I suggested a File > Save Backup action which would
> save an xml format file without having to do Save As (xml) and then
> re-open the sql version.  It did not meet with favour at the time
> however.  :(

I disagree; ISTR it met with plenty of favor, just nobody willing to
implement it.  Patches are still welcome.

> Colin

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