Quick database question

Shane Litherland litherland-farm at bigpond.com
Mon Dec 27 06:05:36 EST 2010

Hi Ian, et al.,

so, you've by now figured out that you'll have to backup your SQL from a
command-line.. I use postgresql for other db stuff, there's pg_dump and
pg_dumpall (hope I got that right).

But, on a more general note regarding the idea of a 'backup' option in
gnucash itself - could it be that the copy or 'dump' commands could be
integrated in a little 'point and click' option in gnucash?

e.g. a bit of program that had

IF database is postgres, THEN send "pg_dump with filename as current
file+timestamp+the-word-backup" to the postgres db, using user/login
that the user saved in their preferences or typed in the GUI for this
task; and save it in the location that user specified in prefs/GUI;

OR, IF sqlite, then do same steps for it;
or ...etc

and have a GUI that the user ticks which db they use, and other optional
bits as I alluded to above

Personally, I am fine with a pg_dumpall to make sure I backup all my
lovely database info :-)

But if there's others out there that think this might be a neat addition
to gnucash... be happy to take it up further with you. limited
programming skills, but if i have some skeleton or example of something
similar that 'works' then I MIGHT be able to help tweak it etc...


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