Unable to install 2.4.0

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 27 15:42:33 EST 2010


"Dr. Md. Aminul Islam Khan" <aikhan_lab at bdcom.net> writes:

> Hi,
> Congratulations to you all for the new version 2.4.0.
> I was using 2.2.9 and later 2.3.17. Meantime upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04
> (from 9.04). Googled for help, whatever I could understand tried to use
> it to install 2.4.0. and messed up: At one point I did:
> apt-get purge guile, apt-get purge slib, apt-get installed them, then
> symlinked: ln -s /usr/share/slib slib and lastly ldconfig. 
> Then going for ./configure .... Now the message I get is:
> configure: error: 
>   guile does not appear to be installed correctly, or is not in the
>   correct version range.  Perhaps you have not installed the guile
>   development packages?  Gnucash requires at least version 1.6.7 to
> build.
> So tried:
> find / -name guile which gives the followings:
> /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/guile
> /home/aikhan/gnucash-2.2.9/src/bin/overrides/guile
> /usr/bin/guile
> /usr/share/guile
> /usr/share/swig1.3/guile
> /usr/local/libexec/gnucash/overrides/guile
> /etc/alternatives/guile
> /export/home/gnucash-2.2.9/src/bin/overrides/guile
> Can any good soul out there help me out?
> Thanks in advance for your help.

apt-get build-dep gnucash

Then make sure you only have one version of guile...  and that slib is
configured properly.

> aikhan

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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