"Edit exchange rate" has stopped working (2.2.9)

Adam Funk a24061 at ducksburg.com
Fri Feb 5 06:21:41 EST 2010

On 2010-02-03, Derek Atkins wrote:

> Adam Funk <a24061 at ducksburg.com> writes:
>> I opened the price editor, deleted all the entries for EUR in January
>> 2010 (they all had source "user:xfer-dialog"), and closed the price
>> editor.  Then I tried edited the exchange rate in the EUR100 =
>> GBP89.36 withdrawal again ("to amount" 100); that created an entry in
>> the price editor
>>  EUR  GBP  20/01/20  user:xfer-dialog  0.893600
>> but the amount in the Cash EUR account *still* shows 96.48 instead of
>> 100!  I'm baffled.
> Note that once you have a transaction you cannot change the "amount"
> from the edit exchange rate box.  

Why in the world am I not allowed to do this?  Once you have a
transaction, you can edit the split amounts in that register's
currency and add or remove splits.  Why not change the exchange rate
or the currency value in the other account?

I regularly enter estimated transactions for things like foreign cash
withdrawals (based on the previous exchange rate), so that I can tell
roughly how much money will be in my bank account, and then correct
them later.  I'm sure this used to work.

I also take auto-completed transactions and modify them, including the
exchange rate.  I think this used to work.

Have these things been changed between 2.2.6 and 2.2.9?

> Have you also tried editing the errant split amount, too?  I.e.,
> change the split amount AND edit the exchange rate at the same time?

ITYM edit the transaction from the foreign account, right?  I just
tried editing it in the "Cash EUR" register, to change the amount to
EUR100 in both splits and edit the exchange rate in the GBP bank
account split --- GnuCash refuses to open the exchange rate dialog but
gives me "The two currencies involved equal each other."

The only way I have found to fix these transactions is to delete them
and re-enter them, and I can't even use auto-complete to get the split
accounts, because that locks up the exchange rate, so I have to waste
time entering redundant data.

I've now spotted bad exchange rates on over a dozen EUR transactions
in January, and a foreign credit card transaction from December, which
has already been reconciled.  Fixing that is fun ... is there a manual
way to "y" flag on a split?

I think there are two bugs here:

1. using the "Edit exchange rate" dialog has no effect, but misleads
   the user into thinking it is behaving normally;

2. the user should be allowed to change the exchange rate on an
   existing or auto-completed transaction.

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