Solved: Aqbanking: Data downoad issue: multiple accounts same bank
grahamlane at
Sat Feb 13 16:30:13 EST 2010
I had to go into AqBanking Wizard>
In the configuration window, Account>select account and click Edit>
In the Account configuration window, select General>
Under available users, select the one you want, (I only have one to select)
and select it, click the [>>] button and click OK
In my situation, I get a popup that says Owners name is missing, I tested
with "x" and that works for USAA at least anything should be fine here.
After that, importing the credit card account worked great, don't add "00"
(tried that first and it didn't work) in front of the card, for some reason
that only seems to apply to saving and checking accounts. The HELOC account
has a bunch of zeros in front, but again, AQbanking created these accounts,
not me, USAA sent the account numbers in the way that works.
trythis wrote:
> I have been trying to get aqbanking to download data from USAA to more
> than just my checking account.
> I have no problem getting the data form checking, but I have 3 other
> accounts at the same bank all listed properly (at least I think so) in
> aqbanking. Savings, Home equity loan, and a credit card.
> Aqbanking lists all these under the USAA account, it downloaded the
> account info from the bank on its own.
> I tried connecting with each of these accounts (non Checking) and get the
> same error:
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