Several sets of accounts

Maf. King maf at
Mon Jan 11 09:02:06 EST 2010

On Monday 11 January 2010 13:50:29 James Wilde wrote:
> In the guide it states that, if one is keeping a set of personal accounts
> and a set of business accounts one must have two files.  Let's say we call
> them Personal and Business.
> One can presumably change from one set of accounts to the other by
> File/Open or the Open button, and, without having checked, I'm assuming
> that GC will open the last used set of accounts on startup.
> Does anyone have another way of opening one set or the other, like having
> two icons, or a startup script which takes a filename as variable?
> Ideas appropriate to the Mac are preferred.

Hi James

There is also a recently-used file list under the GC FIle menu.

On my SuSE/KDE systems, just clicking the relevant data file in the Konqueror 
FIle Manager starts GC with the appropriate data file loaded - I would assume 
that Apple systems could be made do the same...


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