Expense Reports no Problem

Michael Leone turgon at mike-leone.com
Thu Jul 1 13:19:51 EDT 2010

The problem with using the Income and Expense report for *just* and
Expense report is that Income is always shown, even when not selected.
An Expense report should be expenses ... Not income *and* expenses.

I realize that we are using the report in a way it was not intended.
But it's as close as we can get. There's no way to make the report
show *only* what we ask for.  What we are looking to get is a report
that has no "Revenue" section; that is extraneous. But that section is
hard-coded, for this report.

On 7/1/10, Steve Juniper <snijuniper at comcast.net> wrote:
> I do not understand the problem with expense reports, unless it is
> simply having expense reports under (negative) income. It looks easy to
> do. I experimented with getting an expense summary of rental property I
> own. From Income Statement under reports I went to Income Statement,
> cleared all, selected Rental and the subcategories (taxes, plumbing,
> landscaping, etc), selected last year beginning to end as the dates and
> hit OK (or whatever it was). I got exactly what I was looking for with
> no extraneous stuff.
> Steve J

Sent from my mobile device

Michael J. Leone, <mailto:turgon at mike-leone.com>

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