Reconcile problems continue

Derek Atkins derek at
Thu May 27 20:18:11 EDT 2010


On Thu, May 27, 2010 8:02 pm, Jay Ridgley wrote:
> Derek & David,
> Responses to questions from Dereck embedded below.
> I do not think that I have missed a transaction, because the open item
> total
> agrees with the bank and with GnuCash. It also agrees with a spread sheet
> that I
> have used for years to track expenditures, I balance my checkbook monthly.
> If I mark all existing open items as cleared, then it is ok!
> Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thu, May 27, 2010 5:47 pm, Jay Ridgley wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>>   I tried again to do a reconcile and the result was not as expected.
>>> All
>>> of the
>>> transactions involved had the correct status and the unreconciled
>>> amount
>>> exactly
>>> matched the total of my outstanding checks. Yet the Finish check mark
>>> remained
>>> grayed out. WHY?
>> What is the date on your bank statement?
>    5/21/2010
>> What is the ending balance on your bank statement?
>    11,258.54
>> What ending date did you enter at the start of the reconciliation?
>    5/26/2010
>> What ending balance did you enter at the start of reconcilation?
>    4,726.96
>> Most likely one of these is incorrect.

And indeed, this is incorrect.  You need to enter in the information
from the bank statement into the reconcile dialog.  So if your bank
says the end date is 5/21/2010 and ending balance is 11258.54,
those are the numbers you need to enter into the dialog.

GnuCash assumes that all transactions that are dated prior to the
reconcile date should be reconciled, so the "guesstimate" value it
suggests takes that into account.  That's why it "works" if you mark all
open trsansactions..

Instead, enter in the CORRECT date and balance -- those of your statement.


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