Opening Balances for Business Accounts

Anthony Dardis adardis at
Tue Nov 9 09:57:34 EST 2010

Could you indicate what is causing the slow progress? Is it about  
classifying the accounts? A particular kind of report ("statement of  
opening balances")? Creating the accounts?

On Tue, 09 Nov 2010 04:48:05 -0500, Mick Kelly <mick.p.kelly at>  

> Hello,
> Having just passed through the first stages of a manual double-entry
> bookkeeping course, I'd now like to develop with Gnucash. To get me  
> started,
> can some kind soul instruct me how to make a statement of opening  
> balances
> for a theoretical client, Smiths the Carpenters? The accounts to include
> are:
> Capital                            46580
> Bank Loan                        7800
> Vehicle                           22500
> Tools and Equipment       25100
> Office Equipment               3250
> Stocks                              1600
> Bank                                 2560
> Petty Cash                          120
> Debtors:
> A Ltd                                 2450
> B Ltd                                 1800
> Creditors:
> C Ltd                                  1400
> D Ltd                                  1500
> Value Added Tax                 2100 CR
> I'm rather hoping that if I can parrot my way through this exercise,  
> I'll be
> comfortably on my way. I've tried doing this from the help manual for
> several days but I'm making only very slow progress. My problem probably
> stems from wanting to jump in mid-stream, as I'd like to use Gnucash for  
> my
> bookkeeping studies, as opposed to recording my own accounts.
> Many thanks to all who read this.
> Mick.
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