Totals only Transaction Report?

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Fri Oct 1 16:38:05 EDT 2010

Andy Lavarre wrote:

>Hello, thank you for an excellent resource.
>I've spent several hours experimenting and Googling to no avail:
>How can I get a totals-only report?
>I want a report of how much I debited or credited in total for the
>specified period. For example, an annual report that gives the totals,
>ONLY, for each account and subaccount.
You haven't tried all the reports.

Well I take that back. There wouldn't likely be a single report that 
shows the balances of ALL of the accounts since that isn't standard in 
accounting. What there usually is are TWO reports. One is the "Balance 
Sheet" and that shows the totals of all of the "standing" accounts as of 
some specified date. The other has  a name that depends on the sort of 
entity for which books are being kept. Could be titled the "Profit and 
Loss" report or the "Revenue Statement" or .... and since will need to 
be retitled anyway the name GnuCash uses is "Income Statement".

An "annual report" would normally consist of Balance Sheets for the end 
of the previous year and the end of this one plus an Income Statement 
for the year.

Michael D Novack

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