Financial Reports on GNUCASH Version 2.4.0

Francis thomas Mandeya ftmandeya at
Wed Apr 20 06:16:46 EDT 2011

Can anyone tell me on using GNU_Cash version 2.4.0 for normal transactions which 
are entered as follows in the ledger:
    Debit    =  Bank Deposits or Cash Accounts  
              =  Expenses
     Credit = Income or Recepits or
               = Bank Withdrawals 
When you run the following reports why do you end up with negative reports in 
the following accounts----

Run Reports/Income & Expense/ Income Statement => Why do we end up with negative 
Income? How do we correct such a problem?

Even when you run the balance sheet as follows:

Run Reports/Assets and liabilities/Balance Sheet => A negative balance sheet 
does appear? How do you correct this problem?

Is there some technicality in GNUCash that I am missing?

Your assistance will be most appreciated as I have selected this software to 
manage our information system.

Thank you.

Thomas Mandeya

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